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John Adams and Women’s Rights

To understand the spirit behind the women’s rights movement, one simply needs to go back to the founding of America, to the seed testimony of when this nation’s government was being established. 

John Adams, one of the five members of the committee that drafted the Declaration of Independence, specifically rejected the notion of equal rights for women.  Just weeks before the committee presented the Declaration of Independence, John Adams’s “Eve”Abigailsent letters to her husband, already harboring the spirit of the women’s rights movement.  We will see his response.

It is fitting and quite prophetic for Adams’s wife to write these things.  As you will see, she is a clear testimony of Adam’s wife, Eve, affording us a déjà vu of the Garden of Eden, and a glimpse forward to what would take place in this garden nationthe woman would offer the forbidden fruit to the man.  But this Adams did not eat it, and we should have done likewise.

Women like to refer to Adams’s Eve as the forerunner of the women’s rights movement.  And so she was.  And when you read of her disdain for men, for husbands, and her intent to foment “rebellion,” you can plainly see the true spirit of this movement.  In her letter of March 31, 1776, to her husband, she too extended her forbidden fruit:

I long to hear that you have declared an independency. And, by the way, in the new code of laws which I suppose it will be necessary for you to make, I desire you would remember the ladies and be more generous and favorable to them than your ancestors. 

Do not put such unlimited power into the hands of the husbands. 

Remember, all men would be tyrants if they could. If particular care and attention is not paid to the ladies, we are determined to foment a rebellion, and will not hold ourselves bound by any laws in which we have no voice or representation. 

That your sex are naturally tyrannical is a truth so thoroughly established as to admit of no dispute; but such of you as wish to be happy willingly give upthe harsh tide of master for the more tender and endearing one of friend. 

Why, then, not put it out of the power of the vicious and the lawless to use us with cruelty and indignity with impunity?  

Men of sense in all ages abhor those customs which treat us only as the (servants) of your sex; regard us then as being placed by Providence under your protection, and in imitation of the Supreme Being make use of that power only for our happiness.

The meat of her sentiments is cleverly placed between the refined pastry of her opening and closing paragraphs.  And gratefully, men and women of sense in her day would not listen to such rebellious ideas.  It would be another generation or two before her ideas would slowly begin to find place in the hearts of more determined rebellious women.

In her follow-up letter of May 17, 1776, in which she replied to John’s pandering of her rebellious ideas, she stood her ground and wrote in words that are equally eerily prophetic:

I cannot say that I think you are very generous to the ladies; for, whilst you are proclaiming peace and goodwill to men, emancipating all nations, you insist upon retaining an absolute power over wives. 

But you must remember that arbitrary power is like most other things which are very hard, very liable to be broken; and, notwithstanding all your wise laws and maxims, we have it in our power, not only to free ourselves, but to subdue our masters, and without violence, throw both your natural and legal authority at our feet. 

This is the voice of a true feminist, who actually replaced John Adams’s Cabinet.  And these are the words you will find oft quoted on feminist websites and in their literature, which they applaud and take up as a rebel cause.  This is the voice of our nation’s “Eve.” 

Abigail Adams may have failed to overcome the wisdom of our forefathers to keep governing in the hands of men.  And the rebellion of the southern states may have failed in the Civil War.  But after that war, rebellion surely found a home in women, and the quest of Adams’s Eve was fulfilled.  What our forefathers rejected in the beginning, men leading up to 1920 woefully accepted.

While I do not agree with Adams’s placating response to his Eve, his reply to her showed the true resolve our founding fathers rightfully had regarding the necessity of the man governing the affairs of the home and the nationnot the woman.  In the opening of his concluding sentence, Adams continued that placating unfortunately characteristic of some men, but his true and essential sentiments came out in the end. 

We have only the name of masters, and rather than give up this, which would completely subject us to the despotism of the petticoat, I hope General Washington and all our brave heroes would fight.

For the sake of the woman, for the sake of the family, for the sake of this nation, for the sake of mankind, for the sake of Yahweh God’s foreordained order that reverses rebellion, men today must take up this fight and retake their God-given place and rule over the woman.  It is the man’s God-given responsibility“and he will rule over you” (Genesis 3:16)!  Our forefathers did not bend on this matter, nor did they have in mind to give it up when they wrote the Declaration of Independence or the Constitution.  But men since then relinquished this responsibility, and men today must regain it!

The hope for mankind is that men will grow wise to this error and rule over this destructiveness of women, and women will return to their proper place.  Yahshua is the head of “every man” (1 Corinthians 11:3), and the man needs to recognize that the woman is once again destroying the “good” that Yahweh created, and for many good and valued reasons he is to rule over her.  Not only are we foretold of the iniquity of the woman“your desire will be for [the place of] your husband”but also, in the beginning Yahweh rebuked the man: “Because you have listened to the voice of your woman . . .” (Genesis 3:16-17).  This is what brought this Curse in 1920men listened to the voice of women, and they equally should not have done so! 

Because men listened to the voice of women, we have anarchy today whereby Yahshua is displaced as the head of every man.  Because men listened to the voice of women, multiplied millions of babies have been, and continue to be, murdered.  Because men listened to the voice of women, the family is being destroyed.  Because men listened to the voice of women, immodesty and sensuality and promiscuity is pervasive.  Because men listened to the voice of women, genders are confused and homosexuality is pervasive.  Because men listened to the voice of women, this nation and the world and the church are in moral decay.  Because men listened to the voice of women, our government is bloated and overspending.  Because men listened to the voice of women, our nation’s founding government has been feminized and compromised and changed to no longer represent and reflect the government of God.

Women said that if they were allowed to vote and get into politics, they would solve the moral issues that man faced.  So where is their promised solution today?  Where is their promised remedy?  History has proven that they were woefully and destructively wrong!  Instead, as with their failed Prohibition, equally beginning in 1920, women brought even more moral decay and vice!  As one man statedwomen’s suffrage was gained in 1920, and we have been suffering ever since! 

Fjordman wrote in a Brussels Journal article titled, “How the Feminists’ ‘War against Boys’ Paved the Way for Islam”: “I heard one woman who was an ardent feminist in the 1970s later lament how many families they broke up and destroyed.  She was surprised at the reactions, or lack of reactions, from men.  ‘We were horrible.  Why didn’t you stop us?’ ” 

Why didn’t we stop them in 1970?  Why didn’t we stop them in 1920?  Why didn’t we stop them at Seneca Falls in 1848?  Because we lacked knowledge and understanding and resolve. 

But today, we do not have that excuse, and we must stop them!  This renaissance of critical truth and insight presented in The Curse of 1920 sorely beckons us to do so.  We are men, and we must fulfill our divine place and responsibility!  “Yet your desire will be for [the place of] your husband, and he will rule over you.”  Men, we need to justly rule!  This is our responsibility, and ours alone!  May we join Adams and “General Washington and all our brave heroes [and] fight!”